Toxic Metals Found in Tampons heavy metal prevention research tampons Jul 13, 2024

New research just came out and it's something you want to know about and share with all the women in your life.

But also may have you wondering - gosh - what more

Because sometimes it feels like everything around us has some impact on our health...

but my hope is that knowing the research...

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5 Key Facts About Women's Heart Health After Cancer Feb 15, 2024

If you're finishing or finished cancer treatments...

or if someone you love is - you need to know this.

Your heart health is even more important after cancer.

Here are 5 facts about your heart health:

  1.  Cancer survivors have a significantly higher risk of heart disease than those without a...
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What Causes Cancer: Possible Cancer Causing Agents Jan 10, 2024

If you're a cancer survivor working on prevention strategies or have never had cancer but are looking to decrease your cancer risks...

one key thing to know is what causes cancer?

Here is something you should know!

The World Health Organization monograph updated Dec 1 2023 includes a...

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Does Tamoxifen Timing Matter? tamoxifen Nov 02, 2023

As a naturopathic doctor working with many breast cancer survivors who are on hormone therapies (like tamoxifen, letrozole, anastrozole, etc) there are a few things I help my patients and clients with including:

  • natural strategies to help decrease side effects of treatments (ie hot flashes, bone...
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Rebuilding Your Health After Treatments & Why It Matters Sep 05, 2023

This is me - over a decade before I was diagnosed with cancer (12 years earlier to be exact).

I look at her and it makes me both sad and grateful for the life she'll experience.  

But I also think - I wouldn't want her to waste any time of the life she did have - this is where your...

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The Why and How of Low-Tox Products Jul 19, 2023

Like many of us - I had no idea how many chemicals were in the products I used or the impact they could have on my health.

What I do remember is being sensitive to some of the scents from products my parents used (sometimes causing me headaches) and the skin on my hands exploding with eczema...

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