The Why and How of Low-Tox Products
Jul 19, 2023
Like many of us - I had no idea how many chemicals were in the products I used or the impact they could have on my health.
What I do remember is being sensitive to some of the scents from products my parents used (sometimes causing me headaches) and the skin on my hands exploding with eczema after washing dishes.
But in fact, since the 1970s, more than 87 000 chemicals have been approved for commercial use with only about 1000 of those being examined for their cancer causing potential.
Five hundred or 50% of those have been categorized as being possibly carcinogenic (cancer causing), probably carcinogenic or known carcinogens by the World Health Organization.
The issue with the products we use, things like shampoo, bodywash, lotions, makeup etc is that they can expose us to a cocktail of chemicals and toxins on a daily basis.
It's this constant, combined exposures to these chemicals that can impact our health in many negative ways.
Especially because our skin is our largest organ and we may be exposed to as many as 168 or more different chemicals through our personal and cleaning products every day!
Chemicals like parabens, phthalates, triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate and others have possible links to cancer, hormone disruption, allergic reactions, negative impacts on our nervous and immune systems, skin issues, obesity, insulin resistance and so much more.
This is why switching to low tox products can be so important!
Not only for lowering potential exposures to things that could increase our risks for cancer but also for improving health issues we often think are just "normal" and unchangeable.
For me, using cleaner low-tox products was a huge part of why the eczema and dryness on my hands completely disappeared.
What are low-tox products?
These products are made with safer ingredients helping to decrease our toxic exposures and their potential for negative impacts on our health.
Here are 7 tips to consider when you're moving to low-tox products:
- Just because it says "natural", "green", "plant-based' doesn't mean that they're actually safer. Their ratings could be just as bad or worse than other "conventional" products.
- Even companies with really clean products may have products that aren't so low-tox. Using the Environmental Working Group website can be helpful to see how a specific product rates in terms of toxic exposures.
- If you want to switch all of your products that's fine, but if you want to switch your products as you finish what you have - that's okay too!
- Prioritize. Think of products you use most and start substituting those first.
- Try one before you buy more. Sometimes even well reviewed and liked products may not be what you'll like! So try the product first and see if you like it!
- Look for refill products (companies like Attitude have many options for these). The refill options can be more cost friendly (even by a little), help decrease waste and can be stored well! If you're interested - try one out first to see if you like the process of refilling your bottles and making sure that it's comfy for you (it can be a bit awkward the first few times)!
- Make it fun! It's okay to get excited about cleaner health products!
If you're looking for well rated and reviewed products, as well as some of my favourites - check out our Amazon Thriver Product Picks page by clicking here.
Remember - your recovery and prevention strategies should include things like decreasing toxic exposures but also focusing on high nutrient, anti inflammatory foods, exercise, sleep, boosting detox pathways and so much more.
P.S. if you need a comprehensive and step by step recovery plan we work on this and more in the Femme Thrive Method program. Book your Discovery Call here to find out more.
- Cohen L, Jefferies A. Environmental exposures and cancer: using the precautionary principle. Ecancermedicalscience. 2019 Apr 16;13:ed91. doi: 10.3332/ecancer.2019.ed91. PMID: 31281435; PMCID: PMC6546253.
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