Discover how to recover, reset, and recharge
your hormones and boost cancer prevention strategies.
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 Hosted by: Dr. Becky ND

  Cost: $111 + tax

Access deadline: Monday Feb 5 2024

*Includes a free 30 minute Cancer Coaching Call (reg. $125)   

Recordings are available to view for a month.


Access our 3 Day Thrivers Hormone Masterclass recordings to learn all about hormones that can affect our sleep, energy, mood, immune system, weight, menopausal symptoms, and recovery post treatments and how they can help to lower our risks for cancer!

I talk about different hormones like:

  • Insulin 
  • Cortisol (a stress hormone that needs to be regulated for proper sleep, stress response etc)
  • Happy hormones (endorphins,dopamine etc)
  • Melatonin 
  • Sex hormones: estrogen/progesterone/testosterone
  • Thyroid hormones

And why these are so important for us cancer survivors as well as key strategies I use with my patients and in my Femme Thrive Method cancer recovery program to help reset and restore hormone balance.

What's included:

  • three - 1+ hour session recordings: Answering questions like what hormones should we be thinking about post treatments? What do they do?  How are they impacted by cancer treatments? How can they play a role in cancer prevention? What the current research says and more...
  • Natural strategies: I use with my patients and clients in my Femme Thrive Method post treatment cancer recovery program to recover, reset and recharge these hormones.
  • 30 day access to recordings
  • Covers all the "Hot" Hormones: the most talked about hormones important to cancer thrivers all in one place.
  • PLUS - 30 minute Cancer Coaching Call: to answer some of your hormone questions.  Please note: this is not a Naturopathic consult but a session to help answer questions you may have regarding hormones or topics around your recovery after treatments.


Questions? Email us at [email protected]

What others have said in the past...

Really enjoyed the whole masterclass. Extremely worthwhile.

I loved the sessions. Before this, I did not really understand that much about the estrogen process in the body and exactly what the post breast cancer medications were doing. I loved the diagrams that explained so clearly. Thank you for a wonderful three days of information.

I love all the information on all the different hormones. Very interesting and informative.

I want to continue to experience good health but understand it is my responsibility to be informed. I must be proactive in gathering the appropriate information. It can be difficult because it takes time to understand this new post treatment language. You are learning what your needs are as you go along and also figuring out the questions you might have. Oncologists and family physicians only provide you so much. It was truly a gift to have this information through your masterclass. Thank you.

(Loved) the clear presentation, the accompanying notes that I received ahead of time that I could run off, so that I could pay more attention to the presentation, and just add additional notes as needed, the easy to follow diagrams that helped with understanding, being able to access the presentation for a period after.

You are doing an excellent job with your sessions.

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Dr. Becky Lee ND is a Naturopathic Doctor in Ontario Canada with a special focus in cancer prevention and survivorship

She is the founder of the Femme Thrive Method post treatment recovery program.  She is also a certified cancer coach, a cancer thriver of over 27 years (being diagnosed with synovial sarcoma at the age of 16) and a mom of 3 beautiful girls. 

She has worked with hundreds of cancer survivors for over a decade and is especially passionate about empowering women after active treatments (chemotherapy, radiation and surgery) to recover and reclaim their health and lower their risks for recurrence.